
All I Want is Everything

“The Parisienne thinks she’s a role model. She can fill blogs and books with life advice. If fact, she loves being asked what she thinks.”

(How to be Parisian, page 6)

Holiday Wish List 2015


Other blogs tell you what to get your friends and family for Christmas. This blog is telling you what to get me.

  1. My favorite new fall show “Scream Queens” has me pining for pastels and faux furs. If I get this two-tone makeup bag, can I be Chanel No. 7?
  2. I’m somewhat of a Francophile (in case it wasn’t obvious). The Too Faced Le Grand Château is the dollhouse of my dreams, only better. It comes with 18 eyeshadows, two blushes, and a mascara. It will look so perfect on display in my bedroom!
  3. This Rifle Paper Co. Alice in Wonderland calendar will also be a dreamy addition to my bedroom alongside my collection of other Alice trinkets.
  4. Limited Edition Alice in Wonderland Moleskine journal for getting lost in my thoughts.
  5. I’ve been wanting Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari for a while, but a two-day binge of his Netflix original series “Master of None” has me begging for more of his clever thoughts!
  6. One of my favorite blogs and Instagram feeds in one place: See San Francisco: Through the Lens of SFGirlbyBay. Victoria Smith’s outlook on my hometown has me looking for magic on every street corner.
  7. Cozy and chic earmuffs that I can plug in into my iPhone! Juicy Couture will always know the way to a girl’s heart.
  8. LUSH Honey Trap lip balm just sounds gansta, but I’m sure its really sweet inside.
  9. How cute is this little Opening Ceremony bag charm?

Lanvin sample set

Lanvin sample set.

Lanvin sample set.

A few months ago, I wrote about my mission to find my signature scent before I turn 30. No luck yet, but I did receive this gorgeous and thoughtful gift for my college gradation. It’s a collection of travel sized perfumes by Lanvin. I can’t wait to see how I like them, but the packaging is almost too perfect – I feel guilty opening it!

girl power

Girl talk with Kim Kardashian West

“Yes, the Parisienne often comes from somewhere else. She wasn’t born in Paris, but she’s reborn there.”

(How to be Parisian, page 10)

Kim Kardashian West Live! at the Castro Theater in San Francisco

Kim Kardashian West Live! at the Castro Theater in San Francisco

Kim Kardashian West possesses many Parisian qualities. She has the style, grace, and undeniable sex appeal. Underneath the contour and pregnancy Spanx she swears she can’t live without, she has the spirit of a Parisian: unapologetic for the way she is, whether you like it or not.

I had the pleasure of attending Kim Kardashian West Live! on Tuesday, June 30, at the Castro Theater in San Francisco. The event was put on by The Commonwealth Club of California as a part of its Inforum division. Mrs. West wore her signature body conscious black ensemble (Balmain) and strapped sandals (Manolo Blahnik).

Kim talked about almost everything you would want to know about her  — it was hard the believe the discussion was only an hour long. Judge LaDoris Cordell asked her stance on hot topics like Hillary Clinton’s campaign, feminism, body image, entrepreneurship, education, teaching her mixed-race children about racism and of course Caitlyn Jenner’s transition. The more lighthearted topics included sharing clothes with sisters, how to take a good selfie, what she loves about Kanye, and how nice the French paparazzi are.

The "Selfish" author teaches Judge Cordell how to take the best selfie. "It's all about the lighting and finding your angle," she said.

The “Selfish” author teaches Judge Cordell how to take the best selfie. “It’s all about the lighting and finding your angle,” she said.

One of the things Kim emphasized was that she credits her enduring popularity for her openness, honesty and consistent interaction with her fans. I’ve been keeping up with Kim (pun intended) since Paris Hilton brought her on to the scene. My parasocial relationship with Kim reached its peak when I got to sit 50 feet away from her at this event. I can attest that the experience, in the intimate Castro Theater, was like talking to an old friend, along with a hundred other people. Seeing her in person was exactly how I always imagined it would be. Kim was thoughtful about her answers, playful, and giggled a lot whenever audience members shouted random things (“AT&T Park!”, “Balmain Army!”, “Caitlyn Jenner!”).  In regards to honesty, Kim knows, and she knows her dad would know, what we’re all thinking: “My dad would be really proud of our success…He’d kill me about some of the magazine covers though…among other things.” Obviously she’s referring to her sex tape. She also laughed, “I think my dad always knew I would end up with a black guy.”

Lastly, Kim was asked why there was so much backlash about her recent appearance on NPR and this Inforum interview. She paused for a while and then simply said, “I don’t know.” And I don’t know why either. She’s reached iconic fame, regardless of how it started. From observing the audience at the event, I thought it was interesting to see who chose to be there. It was a predominantly female crowd, but women (and a few men) of different cultures, ages, professions, came together to listen to Kim Kardashian West talk about herself for one hour. For myself and many others I spoke to, it was my first time attending an event by prestigious club. I wish I could describe it in a more intelligent way, but overall it was awesome, and I’ll be looking forward to attending more events in the future!


Beauty secrets revealed

“Parisiennes will have you believe that they are born with perfect skin and delightfully messy hair. That from the cradle onward they exude a scent worthy of Chanel No. 5. That these ‘natural’ attributes are a heritage that cannot be explained.

They are all lying.

Au naturel is the fruit of hard labor; meticulously passed down from generation to generation. What follows is a series of unusual tips that could be summed up as follows: how to take care of yourself while giving the impression that you don’t take care of yourself. It is the art of beauty–the Parisian way.”

(How to be Parisian, page 32)

French beauty mantra: less is more.

French beauty mantra: less is more.

In my efforts to become more Parisian, I’m hopping on the “no makeup” makeup look bandwagon. Luckily, this look is really trendy right now. These steps are a combination of rules from the book, along with my personal recommendations:

  1. “Start with a moisturizer to smooth your skin. Then hide any imperfections with concealers or a BB cream.” Use whatever moisturizer to fits your skin type. The book suggests BB cream because Frenchwomen avoid foundation. They believe in letting your natural skin shine through. Lately, I’ve been skipping BB cream for Glossier Perfecting Skin Tint. It’s a super thin formula that evens out discoloration and leaves a dewy, radiant finish. To conceal the “designer bags under my eyes”, I dab a little bit of Amazonian Clay 12-Hour Waterproof Concealer By Tarte. Eyebags have been such a problem for me because I’m always up late doing homework. This concealer is my holy grail right now because it doesn’t look cake-y over BB cream or skin tint.
  2. Hypnôse by Lancome is recommended by the book itself. I love this mascara because the wand really helps to define lashes and make them look fuller without clumps.
  3. Brighten up your cheekbones with a dab of color. Cream blush has the most subtle effect. All you have to do is rub it in with your fingertips for a natural-looking flush.
  4. Polish off with a bright red lipstick and the signature Parisian pout.
  5. “And, of course, a touch of perfume on your hair, behind your ear or on the nape of your neck, never did anyone any harm…”

The most important beauty lesson I’ve learned from How to be Parisian is that you don’t have to strive for perfection.They cherish all the things that make them different. They don’t hide behind a veil of makeup or obsess over plastic surgery. They take care of their skin, get a good night’s rest and surround themselves with people who make them happy. Parisians know au naturel always wins. That natural glow is as real as it gets. I think that’s why we’re so in love with them.


French for brunch

“Eat croissants and buttered toast for breakfast–because it’s Saturday morning and you burned enough calories last night, damn it.”

(How to be Parisian, page 186)

La Note in Berkeley, CA.

La Note in Berkeley, CA.

My mouth waters just at the thought of La Note. Brunch at La Note is like visiting your mother in Provence. This charming little spot in downtown Berkeley is decorated like a house in the countryside. I love the bistro chairs, hanging pots and pans, as well as the French artwork on the walls. But the decor isn’t the reason customers line up around the block every weekend–it’s the traditional French fare.

Oatmeal raspberry pancakes at La Not

Oatmeal raspberry pancakes at La Note.

Since I can’t order everything on the menu (although I desperately wish I could), I always get the omelette fromage et jambon (emmenthal cheese and ham omelette, served with the best home fries I’ve ever had and toast) as well as a short stack of Oatmeal Raspberry pancakes, pictured above. Of course, I wash everything down with a few mimosas. In my perfect world, I would be there every weekend. I rarely have a day off, however, so when I have a free morning/afternoon, my first choice is always La Note, which makes every experience there even more special.

La Note is a very small, intimate space. They don’t take reservations for parties less than five people, and the wait to be seated can be 30-40 minutes. I recommend making it a romantic brunch date for deux to get seated as soon as possible.


The signature item

“The Parisienne’s signature item is that vital detail that brings her outfit together, from head to toe.

You don’t have to spend a decade’s worth of salary on your wardrobe, or flaunt designer brands the whole time. All you need is one signature item: the one you wear when you need to feel strong.”

(How to be Parisian, page 30)

My vintage Chanel flap bag and my Dolce Vita skater skirt.

My vintage Chanel flap bag and my leather Dolce Vita skirt.

I never really understood why people always said “Confidence is sexy,” or “Confidence is the best accessory.” I have always interpreted confidence as arrogance. Now I realize it is not arrogance, and it is something I admire about others. A confident person probably walked out the door this morning feeling their best and ready to take on the day’s challenges. But what’s their secret? A respectable upbringing? A healthy breakfast? More than 4 hours of sleep?

It could be any of those things. Or maybe they have a secret weapon: a signature item.

How to be Parisian dictates several times that designer items are gaudy and to steer clear of them. But the book also says that Parisians always break the rules. My signature item is my vintage Chanel flap bag. I bought it second-hand, and I love the look of it’s worn-out leather. It looks as if it has been passed down for generations. Chanel flap bags appreciate in price every year, so I’m glad I was able to get my little hands on this classic. I hope I have a daughter one day so that I can pass it down to her. Hopefully, she won’t sell it on eBay to make a quick buck. (I may have to take it to the grave.)

While my Chanel bag looks great with almost everything, I save it for special occasions, or times I “need to feel my strongest,” like when I know I’m going to run into my worst enemy. Because its such a classic item, I feel like a lady who has my sh*t together.

The next item in my closet that makes me feel special is my leather Dolce Vita skirt. The shape makes it chic, while the texture makes it bad-ass. I paired my skirt with my purse to an interview for a fashion PR internship. I was hired on the spot. I’m pretty sure my outfit–I mean, my confidence–got me the job.


Find your fragrance

“Find “your” perfume before you turn 30. Wear it for the next 30 years.”

 (How to be Parisian, page 3)

Perfumes, old and new.

Perfumes, old and new.

Finding your signature scent is essential because it is how people will remember you. When you leave a room, your scent lingers. Therefore a memory of you lingers. When greeting friends with a hug and kiss, one whiff of your scent will make them fall (even more) in love with you. Most importantly, if another person encounters that scent, they will always think of you. A Parisian should always be unforgettable.

Personally, I have difficulty committing to one perfume. I have been gifted a variety of perfumes over the years and I adore them all. I use a different scent for different moods and occasions. But I still want “the one.” I am actively searching for the one perfume to wear for the next 30 years. Ideally, it would be something light and floral, a little luxurious, and definitely a scent that isn’t worn by anyone else I know.

Which perfume should I spend the rest of my life with? These three are my front runners:

  1. Viktor and Rolf “Flowerbomb”: I fell in love at first whiff from a sample in a magazine. However, when I got the full bottle, I found it to be way too subtle. Flowerbomb is the most youthful smelling scent between these three options, in my opinion. It’s comparable to Vera Wang “Princess”, but more appropriate for my age group. Sephora employees always says guys like Flowerbomb compared to other perfumes–which is always a plus in my book.
  2. Gucci “Flora”: Flora is significantly more affordable than the other two perfumes I love. As far as scent goes, I think it’s almost perfect– light and feminine, just how I like it. However, I am hesitant to commit because the scent fades easily.
  3. Balenciaga “Florabotanica”: Florabotanica is a little edgier than the others, and a little more expensive. I would bathe in it if it wasn’t $100 per bottle. It’s just as feminine as the others, but the velvety undertones give it a sexier vibe. The unique, futuristic packaging makes Florabotanica even more attractive. The fact that the scent may come off as too bold, as well as the retail price, are my only hindrances.

Flowerbomb, Flora, and Florabotanica are all at my taste level in terms of popularity, luxury, and scent. They all have their imperfections, as well. I’m 22 now, so I’ll be spending the next eight years experimenting and finding “my” perfume.

What do you look for in a perfume? Do you have any other recommendations for me to try? Have you found your signature scent, yet? Leave me a comment–I’d love to know what you think!


The sweet life

“She’s horrified when people politely say, ‘Bon appétit!’ Poor taste is worse than poor diplomacy.”

(How to be Parisian, page 7)

Macarons from Chantal Guillon, located in San Francisco's Hayes Valley neighborhood.

Macarons from Chantal Guillon, located in San Francisco’s Hayes Valley neighborhood.

Whenever I have a bad day at school (or if I’m feeling extra pretentious), I treat myself to a box of macarons. There is nothing in the world that compares to the bliss I experience when I bite into a macaron’s crisp shell. I also love feeling like a mysterious Parisian, sitting by myself in the bistro, staring off into space because I’m in culinary heaven.

There are many places to find macarons in the city, but Chantal Guillon in Hayes Valley and Tout Sweet Pâtisserie in Union Square are my top picks. Both shops offer finely crafted, authentic macarons. The decor in both stores are just as dreamy as the treats itself: an all-white motif with some hints of color to match the displays of macarons. The stores are literally how I would envision my apartment to look like if I lived in Paris!

At Chantal Guillon, I buy one of every flavor. I have yet to meet a flavor from Chantal Guillon that I didn’t like. But if I had to pick two favorites, it’s definitely Persian Rose and Lavender-Blackcurrant. Chantal Guillon also has exciting seasonal flavors and flavors of the month. The store is a small space that quickly fills up with customers, so if you’re lucky enough to grab a window seat (the only seats available), enjoy your macarons inside the store with a cup of tea.

Macarons and other yummy treats from Tout Sweet Patiserrie in Union Square.

Tout Sweet Pâtisserie was founded by Top Chef Desserts winner Yigit Pura, and is located on the third floor of Macy’s Union Square. I love that the pâtisserie overlooks Union Square. I like to have a seat at the communal table, bond with some strangers over how delicious everything is, and people-watch the shoppers down below. Aside from its prime location, Tout Sweet Pâtisserie’s unique flavors are quite the attraction, too. They have recently added Exotic Banana to the menu, joining staple flavors like Sour Cherry & Bourbon and Peanut Butter & Jelly.

Next time you’re in Hayes Valley or Union Square, treat yourself to a box. Don’t forget to pick up a box for me, too!

eat/drink, life/love

A Parisian weekend

Promise yourself you’ll spend next weekend in the countryside.

(How to be Parisian, page 186)

Domaine Carneros in Napa, CA.

Domaine Carneros in Napa, CA. (July 2014)

A weekend in wine country is always a good idea.

If you’re looking to break away from the city, spend some time in Napa Valley. Just a 60 minute drive from San Francisco, it’s a perfect location for a day trip or a weekend getaway. The options of wineries are infinite, but Domaine Carneros is a little taste of France in the Bay Area’s own “countryside.” Inspired by the classic 18th century Château de la Marquetterie in Champagne, France, Domaine Carneros is a regional landmark. You can’t miss it when you’re driving through the highway into wine country. Sip champagne on the château terrace overlooking the vineyard for romantic moment, then sign up for a private tour inside the château.

Other picturesque French-inspired wineries to add to your weekend itinerary:

  1. Domaine ChandonFrench parent company Moet & Chandon established Domaine Chandon to experiment in making quality wine in California. Of course, the success of Chandon sparking wines proves it is very much possible. Be sure to stock up on bottles of bubbles, as it is a critical part of a Parisienne’s diet. “It’s champagne. Vodka. Champagne. Vodka. Champagne. Until it’s time to drink coffee.” (How to be Parisian, page 79)
  2. Château St. JeanVisitors often claim that Château St. Jean can easily be mistaken for a monastery in the French Alps. Nope, you’re in Sonoma Valley! Grab a bottle (or two) of their famed reds and have a picnic on the château lawn, then take an intimate stroll through the rose garden.
  3. Francis Ford Coppola Winery: Director Francis Ford Coppola’s Second French Empire-style château includes a 3,600 square foot swimming pool. Coppola built the pool so that everyone, including children, enjoyed their stay. Spend the day laying around by the pool on the luxurious chaise lounge chairs and exploring the estate, where you can see the fully-rigged model warship from Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette.
  4. Ledson Winery & VineyardsThe estate was formerly a private residence, but so many wine-tasters were attracted to the French-Normandy style architecture that the owner opened up his home as a tasting room for the winery.
  5. DuChamp Estate Hotel and WineryInspired by the French artist Marcel DuChamp, this secluded spot is the perfect escape for a quiet weekend away. The DuChamp hotel has only six cottages, where you get your own private terrace and personalized concierge services.

Go to the museum

“Go to the theater, to museums, and to concerts as often as possible.

It gives you a healthy glow.”

(How to Be Parisian, page 3)

"Andy Mouse" by Keith Haring at the de Young Museum in San Francisco.

“Andy Mouse” by Keith Haring at the de Young Museum in San Francisco. (December 2014)

Museums are my favorite escape. Immersing in art and history  take me to another world. Luckily, San Francisco is rich in world class museums and galleries! We can’t all spend our weekends at the Louvre, but these museums and galleries are a close choice for now. I recommend purchasing a membership for free access year round and other helpful discounts. Most membership fees are tax deductible, as well.

  1. de Young Museum: Set in serene Music Concourse Drive inside Golden Gate Park, the de Young  museum has easily become my favorite institution in the Bay Area. These past few years, the museum’s special exhibitions have been incomparable, including a collection from the Museé d’Orsay, as well as a multimedia exhibition by French designer Jean Paul Gaultier. I’m looking forward to their annual Bouquets to Art show, where floral artists replicate arrangements inspired by the museum’s permanent collection.
  2. Legion of Honor: A three-quarter scale replica of Palais de la Légion d’Honneur in Paris, the Legion of Honor in Lincoln Park is the closest you can get to Paris without leaving the city! While the Legion of Honor’s architecture is a sight to be seen itself, many treasures lie inside the museum as well. Come here for a vast collection of European paintings, ancient sculptures, and more.
  3. Museum of Modern ArtUnfortunately, the SFMOMA is closed for expansion until 2016. However, we have a lot to be excited about! The expansion will offer even more engaging exhibitions, in addition to the 30,000 modern and contemporary works of art in the permanent collection.
  4. San Francisco Public LibraryThe San Francisco Public Library often houses art exhibits in the main library at the Civic Center. These free admission exhibits are a beautiful and thought-provoking reflection of the diverse communities of the Bay Area. Next month, stop by the main library to see the 200th Anniversary of Petr P. Ershov (March 7-May 7) and Bridging Cultures: Poetic Voices of the Muslim World (March 14-May 24).
  5. Keane Eyes GalleryThis North Beach gallery is home to Margaret Keane’s iconic big-eyed paintings. Keane’s life and career is the story behind the 2014 film Big Eyes, directed by Tim Burton. The gallery has been significantly busier since the film’s release, but Keane is a living legend and her works are a must-see if you’re in the neighborhood.
  6. 111 Minna Gallery: Guest DJs, rotating exhibits every four weeks, and interactive events make 111 Minna Gallery one of the most unique art spaces around town. 111 Minna Gallery makes it hard not to be interested in art, as the gallery’s special events include drinking and painting with friends.

Try to indulge in San Francisco’s diverse art scene as often as possible. It’s a fun and inexpensive way to uplift your day. Museums are also a great learning experience, so you can talk about art and culture with at least some knowledge. After all, a Parisienne always wants to prove she is more sophisticated than others.  And that’s because she is.
